In the arena of real estate lending the landscape is constantly changing and evolving. With the large scale involvement of federal and local regulators in the field of mortgage lending, it has become even more important than ever for lending institutions to ensure that they are partnering with reputable settlement and title professionals to ensure that real estate closings are handled in a professional and compliant manner. At Grassette & Associates our dedicated real estate attorneys are faced, on a daily basis, with the endless changes impacting the industry and understand the dire importance of our lending partners’ compliance with State and Federal laws and regulations.

Under recent changes to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) Rules and Regulations, Lending Institutions are charged with the responsibility of vetting and supervising venders such as real estate closing attorneys and title agents.

In addition to the stringent requirements imposed upon lenders by the CFPB, changes to the federally mandated closing disclosures, TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure, (“TRID”) become effective August 1, 2015, and will make it imperative that lending institutions partner with reputable real estate closing attorneys to handle settlement of real estate transactions and ensure compliance with the new mandatory timelines for delivery of the final closing disclosure prior to closing.

The Attorneys at Grassette & Associates have overseen and been involved with thousands of purchase, sale, and refinance transactions across numerous states. Grassette & Associates has been thoroughly vetted by institutions such as Secure Settlements Inc., Stewart Title Guaranty Company, and Connecticut Attorney’s Title Company (“CATIC”), First American Title Insurance Company (“FATIC”), Title Resources Guaranty (“TRG), as well as compliance departments at numerous lending institutions.